Stroll Through The Arts

Stroll Through The Arts

November 6th - 14th, 2021

November 6th - 14th, 2021

The Campus Theater

The Campus Theater

Hebomoia Leucippe, 7×7in, Oil

Hebomoia Leucippe, 7×7in, Oil - $250.00

A Sitting Duck, 11×14in, Oil

A Sitting Duck, 11×14in, Oil - $500.00

Spring Crocus, 6x9in, Oil

Spring Crocus, 6x9in, Oil - $250.00

What the Devil?, 8×8 in, Oil

What the Devil?, 8×8 in, Oil - $250.00

Daredevil, 15×20in, Oil

Daredevil, 15×20in, Oil - $750.00

A Peculiar Pickle, 7×10in, Oil

A Peculiar Pickle, 7×10in, Oil - $250.00